== Techno Terrorists == DHP Symbol
Playlist: 14 March 1997

7:00 pm: Matt Starts off

Freakie ChakraMultipasic InoculatorLowdown MotivatorCDAstralwerks
Freakie Chakra vs. Single Cell OrchestraPiledriverFC vs. SCOCDAstralwerks
RACDouble JointedElectro PhunkCompAdrenalin
God WithinRaincryDelusions of GrandeurCompHardkiss
HawkePacific Coast Highway No 1Delusions of GrandeurCompHardkiss
LeftfieldOpen UpLeftismCDColumbia
DOPNon StopDance Your Socks OffCDIRS
Mellow MellowOne 4 Love(space)CdCD5Astralwerks
SpookyLittle BulletProgressive House 2CompZYX
PunchanellaSan TranciscoReact Test2CompReact
HavanaEthnic PrayerRenaissance 1CompNetwork
Disco EvangelistsDe NiroRenaissance 1CompNettwork

8:00 pm: Matt Turns it into a harder stuff

BraincellSleep ParalysisLucid DreamingCDHarthouse
OrbitalThe TranquilizerIn-SidesCDFFRR
Sven Vath(Hardfloor)RobotTouch ThemesCDEye-Q
Emmanuel TopAcid PhaseReleaseCDAttack
In SyncSubway RouteIn Order to Dance 5CompR&S
ElectroteteI Love YouIn Order to Dance 4CompR&S
Planet LoveBW2DSound of Superstition 4CompSuperstition
Terry Lee Brown JunioBad House MusicGo Ahead 2CompH&G

9:00 pm: Matt Continues for the first three then Sean starts spinning

Lectric CargoSonic RideSound of EukatechCompEukatech
Ian PooleyChord MemoryTrancesylvania 6Comp23
SlamPositive EducationTrancemaster 11CompVision Soundcarriers
BBESeven Days and One WeekTetsuo3CompTechnoclub
UnderworldRezProgressive House 2CompZYX
Country&WesternReincarnationReactivate 8CompReact
GTOSeventh Wave12"SingleReact
ShamenMove any Mountain '9612"SingleOne Little Indian
ElectrolinersLoose Caboose12"SingleTwitch
Reid PiazzaAlright12"SingleMarad

10:00 pm: The News for 10 minutes (w/ the Orbital track). Sean continues spinning

OrbitalImpactDiversions EPCDFFRR
AdventGreen Gone Harder12"SingleInternal
UXMaster of the Universe12"SingleDragonfly
Dave ClarkWisdom to the Wise12"SingleReload
Microwave PrinceEternal LightTrancemaster 11CompVision Sound Carriers
Castle TrancelottIndoctrinateTrancemaster 12CompVision Sound Carriers
Third MenPlanet HunterReactivate 11CompReact
Scan CarrierHubcapState of PlayCompBellBoy
EHRThe WarningsTetsuo 2CompTechnoClub

11:00 pm: Matt Winds it Up

VAnjungSpace Techno 2CompMillenium
De NiroEvolverReactivate 11CompReact
Frankie Goest to HollywoodRelax (Ollie J)CD5SingleZTT
Baby FordIn Your BloodBFord9CDWarner Brothers
Vegas SoulChargedState of PlayCompBellBoy
Planet of DrumsAPlanet of DrumsEP4Pinnacle
MadonnaBedtime StoriesCD5SingleSire
Celvin RotaneI BelieveTrancesylvania 5Comp23
KeokiCaterpillar (D'still)12"SingleMoonshine
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